
You’re suppose to take chances. You’re told to take chances. You think too much into it. Is it worth?Will it do good?

You’re chances are yours to take. And Life is about the Chances you take. And the mistakes you make.

We’re human. We’re made to make mistakes. But, we’re also personified enough to rectify those mistakes. Sometimes, mistakes make failure happen. And failure are stepping stones to success. 

Your chain of life starts at taking Chances. You make mistakes. You fail. You go through those stepping stones. You’ve reached your success.


You would say you know exactly what that thing means.

Do you? Do you really?

Someone tells you you’re beautiful, you believe them. They tell you you’re ugly, you believe them.

Is that belief of yours so baised?

Or maybe, just maybe, what you call a belief, isn’t really what you believe?

Think ‘about it.

»A rough draft from “Belief” from TheCitations. (YouTube)«

You Fress

You know a moment when you can’t help but just fress on something?

It could be a moment of depreasion. Mostly is. 

There are two kinds of people in the world.

a) Who fress in depression.

b) Who starve in depression.

If you are picking sides here, are you able to choose a better one? The latter sound better than the first one, doesn’t it? You would loose weight. 

Yeah, at the cost of what? Anorexia? Bulimia? Ir some other eating disorder. Anemia? You forget that it could be fatal!

Loving yourself the way you are can be hard. It can be difficile. It can be arduous. But life isn’t easy. You strive for what you want. This is a hurdle, you need to jump. 

Or you’re stuck. For good.


The pedagogy of the world, lies in the hands of us. The people. The democracy is for the people. To the people. 

We teach. We preach. 

We learn. We believe.

Pedagogy is essential. Vital for us to survive. Knowledge is wealth, and pedagogy is the route to how we get that wealth. To take up Pedagogy, you do not have to apply to a school. Or a class. You can always  Teach life. A lesson is not always on a paper. Not always encased in a hefty book. You don’t need no big books to go through. 

  • An open mind is the first step. Narrow minds don’t work.
  • Education is important. But it is not the only thing that is important.
  • Pedagogy is not entitled to papers and books. 
  • Minds play a vital role.
  • Remember, WE teach. WE preach.
  • Every one has potential. Do not degrade someone for that point ever.
  • Your pedagogy depends on what YOU.